Nov 2, 2008

Diaper Cake

There's a brand new phenomenon in baby showers.

I didn't know this, and maybe it's not as new as I think it is, but last week I was visiting Tiffanie over at Our Life, and saw her version of the apparently wildly popular (unbeknownst to me!) Diaper Cake.

Have you heard of these? Maybe it's just been too long since I've been to a baby shower. I was clueless until about a week ago! Well, in good bloggy etiquette, I asked permission from Tiffanie (who is as sweet as pie) to use her idea. She of course said she didn't mind, and in fact even gave me some instruction, so here is my creation:

This is the most pink that has ever been in my house at one time. I'm just sayin.

So have I just been completely in the dark on this one, or what?


Edie said...

Hey Chel! Very cute diaper cake. I have seen this before with diapers for a baby shower and also with towels for a wedding shower. It is very adaptable.

off topic - Regarding the comment you left on my blog... I KNOW you weren't calling your husband a monkey! (I'm just sayin.) LOL

Greg C said...

Never heard of it either but I am so glad you posted a picture. I had immages of something that you eat and it was disgusting. This was actually quite cute.

Elle said...

This looks or seems vaguely familiar but can not say that I have seen one live!
very interesting.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Greg's comment cracked me up. Yes, dear one, you are young. The cakes have been around for a few years, BUT, the beauty of them is that you can individualize them, as you did so beautifully here. It's like a work of art! It's giving me a Chris Matthews thrill up my leg!

Tiffanie Lloyd said...

Very cute! I like the pink bunny.

Greg's comment is quite humorous. My boys couldn't grasp the concept until I showed them the finished product either. They were probably thinking something similar. :)