I would like to share something that I, in fact, did do that is kinda Halloween-ish.
But before I do, I have to tell you that just yesterday I saw on Dena's Green Acres that she shared some really cute food projects for this week that even if you don't "do" Halloween, you might get a grin like I did. The reason I bring that up is because she had this very project on her site. I told her I was going to post this even though she beat me to it because I enjoyed my name for them so much. Plus, I had already gone through the trouble of taking and downloading the pictures, editing them, and uploading them on Blogger. I can't stand wasted effort.
Anywho, I got the idea from a Pillsbury coupon booklet at the grocery store. Pillsbury calls them "Mummy Dogs," but I like to call them "Halloweenies."
Here's what you need to make them:
1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury® refrigerated crescent dinner rolls or 1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury® Crescent Recipe Creations™ refrigerated flaky dough sheet
2 1/2 slices American cheese, quartered (2.5 oz)
10 large hot dogs
Cooking spray
Mustard or ketchup, if desired
(I used the Recipe Creations dough sheet; it was much easier!)
What to do:
1. Heat oven to 375°F.
2. If using crescent rolls: Unroll dough; separate at perforations, creating 4 rectangles. Press perforations to seal. If using dough sheet: Unroll dough; cut into 4 rectangles.
3. With knife or kitchen scissors, cut each rectangle lengthwise into 10 pieces, making a total of 40 pieces of dough. Slice cheese slices into quarters (1/2 slice cheese, cut in half).
4. Wrap 4 pieces of dough around each hot dog and 1/4 slice of cheese to look like "bandages," stretching dough slightly to completely cover hot dog. About 1/2 inch from one end of each hot dog, separate "bandages" so hot dog shows through for "face." On ungreased large cookie sheet, place wrapped hot dogs (cheese side down); spray dough lightly with cooking spray.
5. Bake 13 to 17 minutes or until dough is light golden brown and hot dogs are hot. With mustard, draw features on "face."
I think I forgot to "spray down lightly with cooking spray" so they didn't get as brown as they probably should have been. But my kids loved them!
And since we don't do Halloween, they just associated them with Ancient Egypt and mummies from Egyptian history, which is where they get their fix for dead people. :-)Just kidding.
Thanks, Shannon, for hosting another infamous Works for Me Wednesday!
Hello! I stumbled upon your blog and noticed you homeschool. I love meeting other HS moms. -- hope you don't mind.
As for the "Halloweenies"-- they look great. We did that last year when my son was studying mummies. :)
I KNEW I LIKED YOU! I don't celebrate Halloween either AND I don't do Santa! Yay for you!!! LOL.
Sorry, I'm very passionate about both of these subjects. I could go on and on but I won't. :)
The receipe looks good too. Looks like a good boy kind of food. LOL.
You're right....you DID come up with a really cute name for them!
Cute, cute, cute! Anything to re-invent a favorite is great with me!
(Found you via Gwendolyn...come on over and play Way Back When-esday...they don't need to be Halloween pics to play!)
Glad to have found your blog. :)
I saw your comment on Rocks in my Dryer, and it was exactly what I was about to post! I love the 2-sponge method; they never stink!
Also, I had a pumpkin carving party get together at my house this past weekend, and we made these mummies too! I tell my daschund that they are Halloweenies in honor of him though!
Well, I enjoy decorating for Halloween and no children for us to do the Santa routine, but I adore Christmas and the reason for the season. Enjoyed your post and the cute recipe!
What a cute idea. We make pigs in a blanket all the time but this has a new twist.
You're so funny! Those are cute!
I was going to make these for Friday supper, but now I'm going to call them Halloweenies!
I love this idea and I think we will make it for Friday night's dinner. I will even go all out and set up a bobbing for apples bowl :)
Hi, Chel! I don't celebrate Halloween either, although the conviction was solidified after my kids were already past trick-or-treating age. I do give out candy and decorate for fall, which includes pumpkins (but not jack-o-lanterns!)
I'm fine with people who do observe Halloween...but it really annoys me that it's such a HUGE holiday...second only to Christmas!
I'm with Cindy. We never did Santa, either, and boy did we take some flack. I was thinking that a person could use little miniature weiners and make babies in swaddling clothes!
What a cute idea! I love pigs in a blanket...
We never did Halloween either. We had Hallelujah parties and had people come dressed as Christian/Bible characters.
We played Santa - but made sure the kids knew that Jesus is the giver of all good and perfect gifts. We also got lots of flack from friends and family.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I can tell we have lots in common!
We don't do trick-or-treating. But we do go to church for the Fall Fest. And we don't do santa either. Or the easter bunny or the tooth fairy. Yeah, my kids are the ones telling their friends on the playground "how it is". No really, my oldest totally burst his friends bubble over the tooth fairy about a month ago. We have several reasons we don't do santa etc... and our kids enjoy learning about and celebrating Jesus... but, I don't want them treating others badly or bursting bubbles. Any suggestions? Did this ever come up with your kids?
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