My sweet bloggy friend Edie posted a Thanksgiving meme and I am joining in. I know Thanksgiving is almost over, but this is the first chance I've had to sit, let alone get on this computer!
So anyway, this looked like fun, so here we go:
1. Which do you like better: cooking at your house, or going elsewhere? Cooking at my house, using my super duper awesome dishes that my totally awesome God provided for me this year!
2. Do you buy a fresh or frozen bird? Frozen because I always buy it waaayyy ahead of time.
3. What kind of stuffing? My Grandma taught me to make the cornbread dressing (not stuffing) which is why it is the BEST. [Well, this is just weird, because this is actually Edie's response, but it's really just perfect for me, too.]
4. Sweet potato or pumpkin pie? Pumpkin Pie. I had never had sweet potato pie until I moved to Georgia, 6 years ago. No, I'm not kidding.
5. Do you believe that turkey leftovers are a curse, or the point of the whole thing? Absolutely the point! I love turkey: sandwiches, dumplins, sandwiches, soups, sandwiches, casseroles, salad sandwiches...
6. Which side dish would provoke a riot if you left it off the menu? Dressing, green bean casserole, or Grand Marnier Sweet Potatoes.
7. Do you save the carcass to make soup or stock? Yeah, but we had a 23 pound turkey, so I only save part of the carcass.
8. What do you wish you had that would make preparing Thanksgiving dinner easier? A maid.
9. Do you get up at the crack of dawn to have dinner ready in the early afternoon, or do you eat at your normal dinner hour? We usually eat around 2 pm, so I do as much as I can the two days before. I make my pie crusts, cornbread for the dressing, and spice leaf cookies two days beforehand.
10. If you go to somebody else's house, what's your favorite dish to bring? Side: Grand Marnier Sweet Potatoes; dessert: pecan pie or chess pie
11. Is your cranberry sauce fresh or canned? Ocean Spray, baby.
12. What's your absolute favorite thing on the menu? Dressing with giblet gravy. Nothing like it.
We had a great Thanksgiving Day today: family, friends, fellowship, and food...who could ask for anything more?
I'm also thankful, by the way, for my very special blogging friends. You guys mean more to me than you will ever know this side of heaven. I have been encouraged, uplifted, and inspired by you. Thank you, from the depth of my soul.