I've been tagged by my delightful friend Edie at
Rich Gifts. With this I greatly rejoice, because it's my first time to be tagged! I feel like a first grader on the playground during the first two months of school. I got tagged~yay! How fun.
Okay, on with the good stuff...I'm supposed to share an alphabet story by answering questions from A-Z about me. Here goes.
Attached or Single? Attached.
Blissfully attached. :-)
Best Friend?
Heavenly: Jesus;
Earthly: I have two...my hubby &
Chel (Abiding Branch).
Cake or Pie? Warm chocolate cinnamon sheet cake...mmmmmmm.
Day of Choice? The day we can afford to hire a textile manager
(a laundry slave).Essential Item? Coffee pot. This is essential even for my kids, because the coffee pot makes their momma tolerable.
Flavour of Ice Cream? Mocha Almond Fudge
(Edie's fave too! I just know we were made from the same pile of dirt!)Gummy Bears or Worms? Blech.
Hometown? A little city on the South Texas coast. One which is about to get slammed by a hurricane in a day or so.
Ah, the memories.Indulgences? Pedicures and long, hot, uninterrupted baths. Both of these are extremely rare, especially since we only have one bathroom. Yes, you
should pity me.
January or July? September.....oh, okay, July. In any place on earth
except South Texas. Then it's January because we have more 80 degree weather days in January there.
Kids? No more, thank you. I already have 3 good ones.
Last Movie I saw in a Theater?
Fireproof, which is one of the
best movies I've seen in a long time!
(click the link for my review). However, technically that wasn't in a "theater;" it was in our church. So the real answer is Mama Mia with a friend. An adult friend. Let me specify even further: an adult
female friend. Which is how that needs to be done if you're gonna do it. :-)
Middle Name? You probably won't believe me if I tell you what it was. Shall I try you?
Antoinette. Yes, it is.
Number of Siblings? Nada enchilada. No natural siblings. Spiritually is a different story...I have MILLIONS! Including
you hopefully!
Oranges or Apples? Apples. Especially in the fall. Baked in a fresh cobbler or pie. Or dumplings.
Ooooohhhhh, why did I have to think about that?Phobia or Fear? Fear...that I am going to ruin my kids.
Quote? "Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." Frank Outlaw
Reason to Smile? Hearing my kids read on their own and laugh really hard. OH, and payday.
Season? Autumn...I love the trees that change here. I didn't grow up with a real fall season, so I
really appreciate it now.
Tag five more:
Chel at Abiding Branch,
Jodie at Dark Between the Stars,
Meg at Life at Lonesome Pine,
Elle at Fingerprints on My Window, and
Mama Belle at Bayou Belles and Their Beau. Let me know if you guys post this, because I want to read your answers!
Unknown Fact About Me?
What the middle name wasn't enough? Well, let's see...I was a bit of a tom-boy as a kid. I mean, don't get me wrong, I played with Barbie and I liked playing dress up in my mom's dresses and shoes. But I also used to build tree houses with my neighborhood friends in an empty, very overgrown lot next door to my friend's house. Actually, to call it a treehouse doesn't really provided the correct image: picture a three bedroom, two bath, with an over-sized family room built within a cluster of mesquite trees. Complete with walls built from the branches we cut down out of the trees with Jenny's dad's tree trimmers.
I told you, more than you ever wanted to know.Vegeterian or Oppressor of Animals? How come a vegetarian isn't called an oppressor of vegetation?
Worst Habit? Procrastination. I get so easily distracted and end up with too many things...um, what was I saying?
Xrays or Ultrasounds? Let's see, x-rays imply something is broken; ultrasounds imply pregnancy. Rock and a hard spot.
Your favourite Food? This is way too broad of a question. There is a favorite in every food group, every ethnic group, and every meal group. I suppose I will just answer with the one thing I can't seem to find living in Georgia: good Tex-Mex.
The kind with chili gravy on the enchiladas, yellow cheddar cheese, red chili-powder-infused grease dripping from the tacos, and fresh, homemade flour tortillas. Top all that off with a bowl of bright red fresh tomatoes, chopped onion, snipped cilantro, and a squeeze of lime for the renown Texas Pico de Gallo.
Oh, man. Zodiac? I don't pay attention to that stuff anymore. However, we are studying Astronomy this year, and did you know that many believe that the Gospel is actually the story that the constellations tell? Little sidebar here, but it's no "coincidence" that I was reading this
just a few hours ago.

In the Apologia elementary level astronomy book called, "Exploring Creation with Astronomy," by Jeannie Fulbright, she says, "The constellations have symbols that God uses in the Bible; the lion (Jesus is called the lion of Judah), a virgin (Jesus was born of a virgin), a serpent (Satan is portrayed in the Bible as a serpent), a king, and many others. Many believe that Orion points to Christ, the Conqueror."
Obviously, it was God Himself who placed the stars in the sky in a particular order. Genesis 1:14-15 tells us, "Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and
let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on earth.' And it was so."
It's no wonder our calendar and our clocks are set by the sun, moon, and stars! Cool, huh? That was a freebie. ;-)